When one comes to think about it. The Starks brought their fate upon themselves. Out of pride and a huge lack of political skills , these fallen heroes ended up slaughtered like cattle.
I didn't cry when Ned died. I didn't get attached to him as much as everybody else seems to have. Lady Stark , on the othet hand...made me think.
My favorite scene of the first season is when she held Tyron prisioner by using only her power over men, in a bar!
That showed me a woman who knew how she was seen and admired by her equals.
When it came to handling the king of the bridge (whose name I am too lazy to google), she sold herself too high!
One should know better than doing that.
Her actions brought the death of her family. I find it very becoming.
Now it's up to the little ones to live happily and free from their parents bad choices and failed plans.
Game of Thrones is simply fantastic.